Te Whai Community Trust is CLOSED for our summer break.
We reopen on January 20th, 2025. Meri Kirihimete.  

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Your Wellbeing Matters *POSTPONED*

***UPDATE*** Ata mārie koutou katoa. We know our lovely community will be doing all we can to ensure we keep our kaumatua and kuia (elders) safe. In light of all that is happening, Te Whai, OCS and Te Uri o Hau will be postponing the Elder Wellness Workshop to a later date.
Our thoughts are with those that may need a little extra support over the next few months. Let's gather our local resources and find gratitude in what we have.

Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - With your basket and my basket the people will live 💜

Guest speakers Julie Mulligan (Hospice Whangarei) and Marilyn Brooks (Public Trust) will touch on some sensitive topics such as elder risk and exposure as well as some key information regarding Enduring Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care, and Welfare.

You will have a chance to workshop your ideas of what matters to you in regards to your legal rights and your personal safety.

If you are a senior or somebody who currently works in this space or have a vested interest in the wellbeing of our elderly, please register to attend this FREE workshop. This is set to be an incredibly informative and progressive day. Lunch will be provided.

Attendee numbers are limited to 40 people max so please ensure that you RSVP by Friday 28th February 5pm to have your placed book and reserved for you.

RSVP to ataylor@uriohau.co.nz or call 0800 438894 between 8 - 4pm Mon - Fri.

When: Wednesday March 25th, 2020
Where: The Club Mangawhai, 219 Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
Time: 10am till 2.30pm

Brought to you by Te Uri o Hau Tangata Development  Otamatea Community Services and Te Whai Community Trust