Te Whai Community Trust is CLOSED for our summer break.
We reopen on January 20th, 2025. Meri Kirihimete.  

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Wellbeing - Senior Support services

Back in March this year, Te Whai had planned an Elder Wellbeing Workshop that was to be hosted in Mangawhai in collaboration with Otamatea Community Services and Te Uri o Hau. Although it could have been timely had it gone ahead, there is some valuable information that we can draw from and offer to our clients.

Below are some helpful links for seniors working through Level 2 wanting information and guidance. Find out the most recent information at the website: www.covid19.govt.nz which is updated daily.

Office for Seniors is working hard to keep you up to date and informed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out their website for some excellent advice.

Please share these key phone numbers and links with others:

COVID-19 Healthline 0800 358 5453
For general health issues, phone your doctor
For emergencies dial 111.
If you are feeling anxious or just need someone to talk to call or text 1737
Elder Abuse Helpline 0800 32 668 65
Money Talks free and confidential budgeting advice 0800 345 123
If you need to discuss your entitlements phone the MSD Senior Services line 0800 552 002
Make sure all your details are correct through your MyMSD Account at www.my.msd.govt.nz
If you are unable to find what you need online, and are not sure who to contact for help, call the free government helpline on 0800 779 997 or on 0800 22 66 57 (8am–1am, 7 days a week).

Links for local senior services:

Te Whai Sages Senior Support & Sage Call Service
Enduring Power of Attorney brochures
Age Concern
Alzhiemers Support Group
Geneva NorthLink Healthcare
Mangawhai CMA (Community Morning Activities) email Helen: hellie14@yahoo.co.nz
Mangawhai Senior Citizens Assn Inc email: secretarymsca@gmail.com
North Haven Hospice
Parkinsons Community Educator Service
SCOPE Nurse Coast to Coast Health Care, email Cherry: cherry.phillips@ctchc.co.nz
Stroke Foundation Northland Whangarei
Sports Northland, Mark Burkill (senior fitness)
Movewell Physio
Senior Net
Age Concern Rodney & West Auckland Hospital Shuttle Service - WDHB
TLC4u2 are a northland based homecare organisation
Mangawhai Combined Rebus Club, email David djfoster60@me.com
Otamatea Community Services
St John Caring Caller