Te Whai Community Trust is CLOSED for our summer break.
We reopen on January 20th, 2025. Meri Kirihimete.  

Our Vision

Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei mahi āwhina mo ngā tangata o Mangawhai.

Tēnā koutou katoa. Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai is a charitable trust that has been operating since 2015 to bring social services that are lacking into the Mangawhai area. Our aim is to improve strength, resilience and safety, to provide opportunities for social connection, and to reduce barriers for access to support and participation.

Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai will provide a centre to act as the first point of contact directing people with specific needs to the services they require.

Our mahi is concentrated in the Mangawhai area to benefit the local community. Our focus is on those who are vulnerable, isolated and have needs that are not presently being met by the limited social services available. Recently there has been a huge population growth in the Mangawhai area and the Kaipara District Council anticipates that around 50% of future growth in the Kaipara District will continue to be in Mangawhai. However, social services have not kept pace with this growth and there is a lack of support for our more vulnerable citizens.

Our Vision & Mission

Vision: Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai will seek to strengthen and support the wellbeing of the Mangawhai community

Mission: Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai will provide or facilitate a range of services responding to the needs of the community.

Te toka tūmoana 
Despite the crashing waves the rock stands tall

Just as the Stingray breeds and nurtures its young within the safe harbour of Mangawhai, this is also the vision of the Te Whai Community Trust Mangawhai. The Trust will provide safe harbour for all who seek help and advice.

The Whakatauki (proverb) above encompasses the concept of taha wairua (the interconnection of all living things) which brings us hope.

Our Strategic Goals

1. To identify the needs within the community and provide accessible, equitable and inclusive support for all people to make positive changes and develop to their full potential

2. To provide appropriate advocacy, information and responsive support to the wider Mangawhai Community and environment 

3. To provide facilities to enable local and regional support services to deliver their services in Mangawhai 

4. To demonstrate high levels of professionalism, integrity and collaboration in the delivery of safe and effective services 

5. To be financially sustainable, have robust systems and meet statutory obligations 

6. To strengthen strategic relationships and increase the profile of Te Whai